Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Backstabber... The Truth

And now a little background information if you will....

I have visited Quetzaltenago (Xela) several times for a variety of reasons over the past few years. Some of these were to get away from the long Canadian winter... that Brrrr time. I also went to Guatemala to help people, those that needed it and in different ways. 

The last time I was here it was to begin the first stages of writing project. In fact all I ever did was write when I was here. So some people that would be boring, but if you are a writer with a great project and having undisturbed time to write that is just perfect.

Over the years while in Xela, I collected quite a large collection of belongings. Things like kitchen equipment, furniture, tools, clothing, etc. Lucky for me I became friends with some people that live here on a permanent basis and they offered me some space that they had available so I could store my belongs in. I offered to pay them something, but each time they refused saying that they were not going anywhere. To compensate them I did give them a table. It was table that I had custom built for me and it was a great table to have in any kitchen as somewhere to prepare foods on. They certainly needed it and yes they used it a lot.

Then the last time I went to Xela I was basically told to get off their property and that I was a no good back stabber. I was completely shocked when that happened.

That was initially words from the husband, lets call him M. His wife, lets call her S, well S was still in Texas visiting her mother. When I emailed S, she said that I had, in a drunken fit, told several people about some very personal information about her husband M. That I was no longer a person that they could trust. She added and you had all that storage we gave and for free as well.

I was at that point of being accused, convicted and tried, without so much of a chance at any denial or explanation. I felt like I was in some sort of Kangaroo Court with no means of defense, just that you are guilty and here is your punishment. The punishment being that they disposed of my belongings without any warning at all and that I was never again allowed to visit them.

I contacted an abagado (lawyer) friend that I know down here. I have three such friends that are abagados. It was suggested that I listed all the contents that I had stored with them and send them an invoice as to their worth for replacement. I as told that no matter what the reason, that they had no right to get rid of my belongings. I was told that Guatemala had rules about such matters.

In fact looking back if I had been told that I needed to have my things moved, that I could have done so by just contacting some Guatemalan friends and everything would have been moved to somewhere else. But that did not happen. I was not allowed to do that.

There are some underlying facts here that need to be explained here.


I have never been as drunk (as they described) .. not for many many, that I would not even remember having slandered anyone.


I was in a writing binge and hardly ever drinking alcohol at all, during the time that they where accusing me of doing something bad. During my last trip down to Guatemala, I only spoke with one other person during that whole time. This other person used to talk with me sometimes about both M and S and how pathetic they both seemed to appear to others. 


M was/is living in Guatemala illegally with no passport and not obliging his tourist status and therefore not the leaving the country every 90 days. He, M was/is in Guatemala illegally. 


The both of them have lived in Guatemala for more than 6 plus years but neither of them have made any attempt to speak the language. 


They are operating an illegal business in Xela. Illegal in that they do not pay taxis. 


M has never ever been sober during the whole time I have known him.

Yet according to them I'm the backstabber.

So yes I can see a story here, perhaps a book even .. now what shall I call it?

Ummm... well perhaps Backstabbers..



The M
The father
The older brother
The young brother
The ugly wife (aka) S
The step mother
The Texas Goof
The truth

Want to know more? Well so far I can see many possibilities, yes it's is all starting to happen, to become be an interesting plot for a story line.. 

Now should I publish this story with photographs? Or will well rounded descriptions be better?

To be continued....

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